1. Sources and Habitat
Bilberries are basically the European version of the American blueberry. Bilberries are grown in Europe, Canada and the U.S. and extracts of the ripe berry are known to contain flavonoid pigments known as anthocyanins - which act as powerful antioxidants.
2. Descriptions and Specifications of Product
Content Specifications: 25% Anthocyanosides Test by HPLC
Anthocyanosides mainly include: Glucoside wtih Pelargonidin, Peonidin, Petunidin, Malvidin, Delphindin, Cyanidin, etc.
Basic Molecular Formula: C15H11O
Molecular Mass:207.24
Constitutional Formula:
3. Indications and Uses
Protect and regenerate rhodopsin and cure the eye diseases;
Prevent the cardiovascular diseases;
Antioxidant and anti-aging;
Treatment for mild inflammation of the mucous membranes of mouth and throat;
4. Safety Concerns
Under recommended intakes, bilberry extract is safe. In some cases, it may even be recommended for use during pregnancy for prevention and treatment of varicose veins and hemorrhoids. ALL women, however, who are pregnant or breastfeeding should check with her personal physician before taking this, or any, dietary supplement.
5. Dosage Information
You can get all the anthocyanins you need by eating ? to 1 cup of fresh bilberry or blueberry with your breakfast. Standardized extracts are often more convenient, where doses should approximate 100 – 500 mg per day (25% anthocyanosides) in 2 to 3 divided doses.
The Information had not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, only for reference
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